"The new valley was told to be dark and hideous,
the demons were told to be selfish and cruel,
I still walked in letting my fate decide my truth.
I have walked out but with several scars,
the ones that shall heal and the one's that shan't"
140 X 210 X 50 cm
Wood and Plaster
About the Project
In June of 2022, I embarked on a trans-formative two-month artistic journey that, though brief, revealed innumerable facets of life and self-discovery. During this period, I found myself standing before a mirror, confronting an internal battle for the first time. My decision to reside in Delhi with my girlfriend, taking on jobs while she pursued her training, presented challenges far beyond their initial appearance. Reflecting on this experience, now a bit distanced from its intensity, as I approach 22 in a few months, the once seemingly burdensome nature of the endeavor has evolved. Living in an unfamiliar city, isolated from familiar faces, and navigating the daily struggle for sustenance, the initial complexity of this journey has mellowed with time. Enduring four-hour metro commutes daily, and alternating between two jobs to make ends meet, I encountered the stark realities of life. In those train rides, I witnessed my biggest fears materialize – faces devoid of radiance, eyes bereft of vitality. It was a sobering moment of reckoning. Despite a lifelong belief in my uniqueness and individuality, I found myself sharing the same routines, working identical hours, and experiencing the monotony of being treated no differently than those around me. This realization prompted a profound question: Was my perceived uniqueness a delusion? As the two-month sojourn drew to a close, I returned to the UK to resume my studies. It was then that I resolved to center my project around the tumultuous experiences of those preceding months. The project encapsulates the persistent struggles to reach a destination, enveloped in disappointment, featuring a resilient core but a feeble reach – a precarious equilibrium in an attempt to find balance amidst the challenges of life.
Alternate Installation
Please feel free to visit my Instagram page for the latest updates on my project's progress.