From the food we swallow to the apparel we wear, we are being unconsciously converted into a Utopian society that views uniformity as the pinnacle of human advancement. We as humans differ from one another, but all items and even foods marketed to us appear the same from top to bottom. These items are progressively infiltrating our culture; have you ever bought sweet peppers from any supermarket and observed how identical they all look? Is that how all peppers appear, or are we only getting the ones that pass the 'test'? We live in a world which is a simulation, reality ceases to exist before the illusions we feed today. Humankind is in search of some Utopian realm that will satisfy our hunger and greed for something magnificent. When someone gets lost in a desert they seem to hallucinate, imagine things that never existed in the first place, a mirage. Amid towering buildings, we're confined, oblivious to a grander existence. Encased within walls and artificial lights, we delude ourselves into centrality. But in darkness, stripped of urban glow, we glimpse our true place: not mere particles, but souls intertwined with the vast universe. It's a reminder of our humble insignificance, a beacon guiding us to a deeper understanding. For when the lights dim and the city sleeps, we're confronted with the boundless expanse, where our souls find solace in the infinity that surrounds us. We as humans need to put extra effort into doing anything for anyone except our own. We are even divided among ourselves, between countries, religions, colours and even on something as egoistic as status.